Medical and Family Hardship Appeals

Medical and Family Hardship Appeals

The deadline for requesting an appeal of your Main Round assignment has passed. If you requested an appeal before the deadline, you will be notified of the appeal decision when Round 2 assignments are released on May 27.

For information about how to request an appeal of your Round 2 assignment, check back after May 27.

Families who cannot attend their assigned school due to unique hardships such as medical or family situations may file for an Appeal. Appeals are considered only for cases where the student’s needs cannot be met at the assigned school. An independent appeals committee is convened and reviews cases. Decisions made by the appeals committee are final, and cannot be further appealed.

Approved appeals are granted for one school only, and cannot be used for placement into multiple schools. Approved cases are given the highest tiebreakers in the assignment runs, including Round 2 and the Wait Pool. If space is available, the student will be placed and the family will be notified.

Required Documentation

Medical Appeal

Students with a serious medical condition that cannot be accommodated at the assigned school can file a medical appeal.

Medical appeals must be related only to a student’s medical condition and not those of parents or other family members. Problems that are common to large numbers of students—such as motion sickness or asthma—do not constitute a medical hardship.

Family Hardship Appeal

Parents/guardians may file a Family Hardship Appeal if they can demonstrate that they have a unique hardship that cannot be met at the assigned school.

Such hardships may be the result of a unique family situation. Extenuating circumstances can be considered only for family members living in the same house as the student. Problems that are common to large numbers of families do not constitute a unique family hardship.

The Appeals Committee will not consider appeals solely based on issues such as transportation, proximity, convenience, or curricular program offerings at schools. 

This page was last updated on May 20, 2024